/*php include("config.php"); if(filter_var(trim($_GET['id']),FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { if(isset($_GET['id'])) { // set id value 1 when $_GET['ide'] is int; $id=$_GET['id']; } } else { if(empty($_GET['id'])) { // set id value 1 when $_GET['ide'] is Empty; $id = 1; } else { // set id value 1 when $_GET['ide'] is Not int; $id = 1; } } $query1 =mysqli_query($con,"select * from static_pages WHERE id='".$id."'") or die(mysqli_error()); $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($query1); */ ?>
As a Financial Service enterprise, we exist to enable our customers in fulfilling their financial dreams and goals and in the process help them achieve complete financial independence and peace of mind.
Fulfill the reason for our existence, realise the future we are, and wildly succeed in the business we are in
Delivering unparalleled experience to our customers which is beyond our personal growth
The prime responsibility of a our management team is to invest financial capital at a rate in excess of the opportunity cost of capital without taking extra risk
Keep Organization aligned to deliver unified experience to all our stake holders